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Nauticon 2016 will be held at the Provincetown Inn in
Provincetown, MA for 48 hours beginning May 20-22.

Nauticon is a re-imagining of the con experience, a "boiling down" if you will, of what makes cons fun to those over the age of 21. So to that end, you may not see some of the things traditionally associated with conventions.

It really IS Not-A-Con as you know it.

We go for real OUT OF THE BOX thinking on this one.

The Artist Colony is a place where you won't see anything you could find at a store in your area, we're going for creators and craftsmen.
The Panels will always be of a nature where the first words out of a presenter's mouth won't be, "Are there any children in the audience?" 'Cause there won't be.
The Events and Entertainments will be a little naughty, but not nasty, a place for you to have a good time and perhaps make a new friend who shares your nerdy.

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~ Nauticon Rules & General Policies ~

The RULES for Nauticon are:
1: HAVE FUN~!!
2: Don't be Stupid.

And to be clear, here is a list of our policies so you can avoid Stupid:

General Policy

Here is our main General Policy in a nutshell: "If it's against the law in Provincetown, it's against the rules of Nauticon. If it's against the law in Massachusetts, it's against the rules of Nauticon. If it's against the law in the United States, it's against the rules of Nauticon." So, if you want to do something stupid and illegal, you won't be doing it here. Right? We have a very good Security Division. So, please try to be on your best behavior, because these guys really don't want to take your convention badge away from you... which they will, if you are being stupid.

The rest is A-Z so you can find the Nauticon policy more easily:

Adult Membership

Only individuals 21 or older may purchase a badge for purposes of entry to the convention.

Artists Colony (artists and dealers)

You must be over 21, you have to be registered to sell at the convention, and you must purchase a badge. No table squatting. See more information at the page for Artists Colony.


Some of our guest celebrities will autograph for you. You just have to ask, nicely.

Badges and other Convention Identifiers

Badges and other convention identifiers are required to be on your person and in plain sight at all times. If any of these things are lost you will be required to leave the convention or re-purchase at the current prices.

Celebrity Contact

For the comfort of our guest celebrities DO NOT ask a celebrity walking in the convention hallways or participating in dinners, dances, entertainments or panels to stop for a photograph or autograph. We want the celebrities we bring to the convention to feel comfortable interacting with the fans. So, we require that you behave as you would in our home - with dignity and friendliness. If you do not cooperate with this particular policy your badge will be withdrawn and you will be asked to leave the property.

Crew and Staff

Those who run Nauticon are hired by the Fantastic Gatherings Corporation. When they are on duty they are doing a specific job that makes this convention great. When they are off duty they are badge holders and have the same rights and responsibilities of all other badge holders: Have Fun, and Don't be Stupid.

Fan Panelist and Entertainers

Fan panelists and entertainers are not professionals or celebrities; therefore we do not pay them to participate in Nauticon. We do offer fan panel leaders and entertainment producers the opportunity to earn the following year's convention badge. Fan panelists earn by producing, moderating and participating in at least three (3) scheduled panels. (Fan panelists must be selected by the Program Director.) Fan entertainers earn by preparing and presenting one entertainment that runs at least 2 hours. (Fan entertainers must be selected by the convention leaders with final approval by the convention chairman.)

Panel Leaders: please see our website forums to present your ideas for panels and to sign up.

Entertainers: please write to to let us know what you would like to present an entertainment.


Physically and/or verbally harming or endangering another person can be cause for removal from Nauticon. Swiftly report such instances to any Crew member for immediate action. Written reports are taken and decisions made by the Senior Officer on duty. Flirty adult behavior is not considered harmful unless it crosses a personal line that makes the person you're interacting with uncomfortable. They have the right to tell you, "You're making me uncomfortable, go away."
No means No and Cosplay is not Consent and Don't be a Creeper.


We are all mature and responsible adults here. Nuff' said

Know your Limits

We are all here to have a good time but one bad egg can ruin this for the rest of us. Keep tabs on yourself and your friends. Also vomit and alchol posioning is icky...


All parties at Nauticon are considered private parties, and anyone invited into another guest's room is entering at the behest of that Inn room's registered guest. Open parties can be held by individuals, or groups, or the convention itself, but only badge holders for Nauticon may attend these events.

Photo and Video Privacy

With the advent of cellphone cameras we know that we cannot stop fans from taking photos and videos of one another and of the guests and celebrities, and we do not have any way of policing what they put on YouTube or their internet photo spaces. So, if you don't want what you're doing at the convention on the internet, don't do it. Our motto is "What happens in P-town, stays in P-town" but we can't truly enforce that. By purchasing a badge you have relinquished your right to privacy within the convention.

Professionals, Panelists and Celebrities

We offer comped badges and access to the Crew Lounge our professional panelists and celebrities who attend Nauticon. Certain of our professional panelists and celebrities are also offered a room for one or two nights of the convention, depending on their travel needs and our requirements. All professional panelists and celebrities are contracted with our corporation to perform specific functions at specific times during the convention. Professional panelists must have credentials in areas we find interesting and of value to our convention's annual programming. For further information please contact us at or .


PHOTO ID (Passport, Drivers license, etc) will be required to be shown by all persons at the Registration Desk when they enter the convention for the first time. Pre-registered persons MUST bring Proof of Identity in order to pick up their badges. If NO Photo ID is available, you can bring in two forms of non-photo ID, i.e. a birth certificate, household bill, or equivalent. IF you cannot produce valid and accepted proof of Identity and Age when you pick up your badge you will be turned away from the convention. If you will not sign the Waiver you will be turned away from the Convention.


Badge purchases are non-refundable unless the convention is canceled. We will forward your badge to the next year (and only once) if you cannot make it to the convention for any reason. We need you to request this 24 hours in advance in writing (email to ) .


Volunteers must pay for their convention membership and if you work a certain number of hours at the convention in a volunteer position, you will be comped for the following year's convention. Work 12 hours at the convention, and have a convention leader sign-off on your volunteer timesheet, earn our heartfelt thanks and the following year's convention and an invitation to this year's Dead Dog party.


You must sign the Waiver when you received your badge. This gives you no rights to compensation should you do something stupid or should someone do something stupid that results in your being injured. This Waiver is on the website and you agreed to it in advance when you signed up for the convention.


Well, you signed the Waiver... don't be stupid. If you don't know how to swim, stay away from it. If you're intoxicated, stay away from it.


We like costumers and cosplayers and cool things added to costumes. But please, don't be stupid. No real firearms are allowed at the convention at any time, not even if you have a state and city permit. Nor are real edged weapons allowed. Leave that nice shiny sword with the razor sharp blade at home.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Please note that the FAQ is subject to change

What are the hours for Nauticon?

Friday from 7pm to Sunday at 2pm. 48 hours of FUN and FROLIC. Really.

Will I need to bring an ID?

You must bring a government issued photo ID, and be ready to have us photocopy it at the registration desk. This is to prevent any problems, and to have accurate information.

Is there a limit for how many people can attend?

We have a cap of 900. That's it, no more, none, nada, nyet.

How do I register for Nauticon?

We now have both online and at-door registration available. Please visit our Registration page for more information.

How much does it cost to attend Nauticon?

Please visit our Registration page for more information on pricing, rate increase dates and accepted payment types.

Can I register at the door?

ABSOLUTELY! But please be aware of the pricing increase at various dates prior to con weekend and at the door. Please visit our Registration page for more information.

What hours will registation be open to get my badge?

Friday, 2pm to Midnight. Saturday, Noon to 8pm. Sunday, Noon to Noon-ish.

Can I sign up my wife/partner/husband/friend?

Yes, but you have to fill in a separate registration form for each person, checking off the appropriate agreement boxes each time. Their full correct name and other information must come with their registration.

Are we allowed to drink alcohol at the con?

Absolutely! There are going to be cash bars open at all legal hours at the convention hotel. Alcohol will be cheap and plentiful. also, any drink purchased from the hotel bars may be carried anywhere within any public space at the hotel. So for example, you could buy a drink, and bring it to that panel or video that you absolutely have to see! Drinks not purchased from the hotel are not allowed outside your room. Provincetown ordinances must be followed for alcohol outside the hotel property.

Are there going to be room parties?

Hell yeah! There will be private room parties after dark, at all hours of the night! So there should be a party to your taste somewhere at the con.

How do we select Guests of Awesome for Nauticon?

First, it's important that I let you know what Nauticon isn't: It is not an Anime Convention, it is not a Science Fiction Convention. It is not a large popculture convention that can absorb high costs, and when we invite a very specific type of guest, it is only with the knowledge that we can rally the fans who will pay to see that guest.

Second, this is what Nauticon is: It is an intimate gathering of no more than 900 fans and friends who want to talk about their favorite nerdy things. And want to learn more about their favorite nerdy things, and maybe find something else that's interesting too. There are entertainments specifically designed to get people gathered together over something that they can talk about, from Boat Trips around Cape Cod Harbor, to attending a Luau on the hotel grounds and beach, from cupcake wars to bacon vs. spam panels, to costume shows and drag queen make-up tips. Behind our panels fun names are diverse, educational and timely subject matters presented by panelists who are educated or experts in their fandom. Nauticon aims to bring panels to our attendees that they cannot find anywhere else. We have food pairings or whiskey, rum and other tastings that tantalize the taste buds and educate the palette. This year, who knows? But we bring in both fans and pros who can provide that kind of information and vibe that make this a weekend long event.

Finally, Nauticon is for the 21+ fan and as such we require that every attendee up to and including the pros to sign a waiver that indemnifies us. We have all night long open parties in a waterside inn which exclusively has our badged attendees in all the rooms. This is a place to meet a friend for life, or a friend for the night. Additionally, we bring in crowd specialists who take care of any problems that may arise from alcohol consumption, or just plain bad luck or medical need.

We hope this information helps you know what to expect from Nauticons Guest Relations.
This is the breakdown for invitations and compensations:

Fan Panelists and Passionate Presenters: Persons who are involved with an aspect of fandom that they want to share. We offer these Panelists an audience to share their passion with, and our support in their endeavor. They are not compensated other than the admiration of their peers and the time on our schedule. They must purchase an attending badge and a hotel room, however we do offer panelists who moderate 3 or more panels a comp badge for the following year.

Specialty guests: These persons are invited by the Program Director or Convention Chair and have a particular interest that they have cultivated beyond the hobby level. We offer an comp badge and they present specific panels that are given priority on the convention schedule. They must purchase their own hotel room.

Semi-pro guests: Persons who we specifically invite because of a particular aspect of their fandom or life that we want to have presented at Nauticon. They get a shared room at the convention hotel, on Cape Cod's famous Provincetown beach area. Galley access for their lunch and dinner needs. And an attendees badge which affords them the whole Nauticon experience, night parties, panels and so forth.

Pro guests: Persons whom we specifically invite to present because of a particular aspect of popular culture or life that we want represented at Nauticon. They get a private room at the convention hotel, transportation, and are named a Guest of Awesome of the convention.

How can I become a part of the Nauticon Crew (known in other circles as Staff)?

Here’s what we’ll be able to offer you as a member of the CREW of this Fantastic Gatherings event:

First and most importantly *~-Our Heartfelt and Sincere Thanks-~*

There are two options for you:

1. We'll pay you to work Nauticon! 8 hours per day. Minimum wage for MA.
    a. You are given your funds at the end of the convention, less any room or food choices
        you make.
2. You'll have a written schedule of your work times on a job.
3. You choose where you'll stay overnight, and if you want to partake in the food offered in the Crew Den.
    a. You will be charged 1/4 for a shared room, or you can choose to rent your own room.
    b. You will be charged for meals in the Crew Den at $5 each, or you can choose to supply your own meals.

1. A voluntary job scheduled and based on the Con Chair and Senior Crew needs.
2. No compensation. No Room provided. Limited access to the Crew Den.
3. 12 Hours work earns you a badge for the next convention.

And available on OPTION 1 and 2:
4. A dead-dog party at the end of the Convention on Sunday, AFTER pack-up.
5. A lot of great experiences that can make your resume look pretty good.
6. Some great fun and laughs.

Safety Walker, Crew Den Clean-up, Crew Den Cooking, Event Set-up and Tear-down, Registration Table, Load In-Load Out, Information Desk, GoA Liaison, Panels Guide.

A. You must be 21+ at the time of the convention.
B. If you want a crew room-share you must be willing to work at least 16 hours of assigned time at specific jobs. Broken up over the 3 days of the convention.
C. You must "friend" the Convention Facebook + the CREW Facebook + read the Website Forums on a regular basis.
D. You must answer emails within three (3) days of their arrival.
E. You must have Fun and Make Good Decisions – Don’t be Stupid!

Still interested? We're accepting applications to the crew, but you need to contact us at and ask for the Crew Application.

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Con Chair ~ Pamela Larson
Cruise Director ~ Mary Dumas
Advertising ~ Bettina Kurkoski
Mascot ~ Pj “Jack” Letersky

Artist Colony ~ Bettina Kurkoski
Safety Services ~ RaShawn Seams
Registration Desk ~ Robert Castiello

On-site Program Boss ~ Pamela Larson
Panels Producer ~ Pamela Larson
Events Producers ~ Pamela Larson
Tastings and Food Events ~ Mary Dumas
Tech Services ~ Red Van Productions
Parties ~ Barfleet - USS Shameless

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Theme Archive

NAUTICON 2012 ~ "Pirates!"


NAUTICON 2014 ~ "Vikings!"

NAUTICON 2015 ~ "Get us to the GREEK!"

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Nauticon (The 21+ Convention) is a creative and fun way for fans of anime, science fiction, fantasy, comicbooks, and all things nerdy to get together and get to know one another.

The event is held annually when we rent the entire Provincetown Inn so that you and your friends are part of a truly private event. And did we mention the beach? You can watch the sun set over the water while playing Battleshots at the Barfleet party.

Nauticon has panels ranging from anime to science fiction and comicbooks to webcomics, discussions of Star Trek or Doctor Who, programs run by the Dirty Old Lady's League and the Miracle Providers Drag Queens, and everything in between. Activities include a hike out to the lighthouse, incredible shopping in Provincetown, a creativity table, karaoke, kite flying, fan-run parties, and the Artists Colony. All of this is part of your badge cost!

But wait, there's more! For a small fee you can join in on tastings of meads or Scotch, or food parings like bourbon and chocolate. Or go off to the Provincetown Center and take in a show or go to the tea dance!