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Proposal Information

NAUTICON 2017 Applications Submission OPENING Fall/Winter 2016!





Please read the General Panel Information carefully before submitting a Panel Proposal.


All panels will run appox. 45min. long with a 15min. breakdown and turnaround time.

All panel participants must be official Nauticon attendees and follow the Nauticon rules and regulations.

Panels may be cancelled by Nauticon due to inappropriate content or lack of interest from attendees.

Panelists are responsible for planning all content and presentation. Moderators will be the main contact person if any questions or problems arise.

The schedule will be posted prior to the convention, if you are unable to make your panel time, contact Mary Dumas at before the convention or go to con ops during the convention.

If you are not scheduled prior to the convention due to all panel slots being filled, you will have the option to be placed on a wait list and will be contacted if a time slot opens during the convention.

Not all panels submitted will be accepted.

Panels may be promoted via the official Nauticon website and participants may be recruited through the panel's thread.


First, it's important that I let you know what Nauticon isn't: It is not an Anime Convention, it is not a Science Fiction Convention. It is not a large popculture convention that can absorb high costs, and when we invite a very specific type of guest, it is only with the knowledge that we can rally the fans who will pay to see that guest.

Second, this is what Nauticon is: It is an intimate gathering of no more than 900 fans and friends who want to talk about their favorite nerdy things. And want to learn more about their favorite nerdy things, and maybe find something else that's interesting too. There are entertainments specifically designed to get people gathered together over something that they can talk about, from Boat Trips around Cape Cod Harbor, to attending a Luau on the hotel grounds and beach, from cupcake wars to bacon vs. spam panels, to costume shows and drag queen make-up tips. Behind our panels fun names are diverse, educational and timely subject matters presented by panelists who are educated or experts in their fandom. Nauticon aims to bring panels to our attendees that they cannot find anywhere else. We have food pairings or whiskey, rum and other tastings that tantalize the taste buds and educate the palette. This year, who knows? But we bring in both fans and pros who can provide that kind of information and vibe that make this a weekend long event.

Finally, Nauticon is for the 21+ fan and as such we require that every attendee up to and including the pros to sign a waiver that indemnifies us. We have all night long open parties in a waterside inn which exclusively has our badged attendees in all the rooms. This is a place to meet a friend for life, or a friend for the night. Additionally, we bring in crowd specialists who take care of any problems that may arise from alcohol consumption, or just plain bad luck or medical need.

We hope this information helps you know what to expect from Nauticons Guest Relations.
This is the breakdown for invitations and compensations:

Fan Panelists and Passionate Presenters: Persons who are involved with an aspect of fandom that they want to share. We offer these Panelists an audience to share their passion with, and our support in their endeavor. They are not compensated other than the admiration of their peers and the time on our schedule. They must purchase an attending badge and a hotel room, however we do offer panelists who moderate 3 or more panels a comp badge for the following year.

Specialty guests: These persons are invited by the Program Director or Convention Chair and have a particular interest that they have cultivated beyond the hobby level. We offer an comp badge and they present specific panels that are given priority on the convention schedule. They must purchase their own hotel room.

Semi-pro guests: Persons who we specifically invite because of a particular aspect of their fandom or life that we want to have presented at Nauticon. They get a shared room at the convention hotel, on Cape Cod's famous Provincetown beach area. Galley access for their lunch and dinner needs. And an attendees badge which affords them the whole Nauticon experience, night parties, panels and so forth.

Pro guests: Persons whom we specifically invite to present because of a particular aspect of popular culture or life that we want represented at Nauticon. They get a private room at the convention hotel, transportation, and are named a Guest of Awesome of the convention.


Nauticon (The 21+ Convention) is a creative and fun way for fans of anime, science fiction, fantasy, comicbooks, and all things nerdy to get together and get to know one another.

The event is held annually when we rent the entire Provincetown Inn so that you and your friends are part of a truly private event. And did we mention the beach? You can watch the sun set over the water while playing Battleshots at the Barfleet party.

Nauticon has panels ranging from anime to science fiction and comicbooks to webcomics, discussions of Star Trek or Doctor Who, programs run by the Dirty Old Lady's League and the Miracle Providers Drag Queens, and everything in between. Activities include a hike out to the lighthouse, incredible shopping in Provincetown, a creativity table, karaoke, kite flying, fan-run parties, and the Artists Colony. All of this is part of your badge cost!

But wait, there's more! For a small fee you can join in on tastings of meads or Scotch, or food parings like bourbon and chocolate. Or go off to the Provincetown Center and take in a show or go to the tea dance!